Processed Transactions search

  Last updated: 


  This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Acquiring services.

The "Processed Transactions" stored search returns all approved authorisations that completed clearing and will be funded to the merchant's or cardholder's account (unless they are rejected).

This search is the easiest way to determine whether transactions have been cleared for settlement and to locate their unique Acquirer Reference Numbers (ARN).

  Required user roles

Admin, Developer, TransactionUser, ViewFeesAndStatements, ViewTransactionsOnly

  How to access

  1. portal-selectmid-2.pngSelect “Transactions” from the side-bar to open the Transactions page.

  2. In the top left, select "MID" and then specify a MID to search.

  3. From "Stored Searches", select "Processed Transactions".

  4. Fill out the rest of the form as necessary. Click here to learn more.

  5. Click "Search".

  Learn about filters for this search


To perform a more targeted search, you can apply additional filters by clicking the "Advanced" button, and then clicking "Filters" on the left. From here you can enable any of the following filters and click "Apply" to confirm your changes:

Filter name Description
Auth Code Filter by authorisation code provided by the issuing bank.
Capture Method Filter by capture method (e.g. "eCommerce", "Credential on File").
Card Scheme

Filter by card scheme associated with the transactions (e.g. "VISA", "MasterCard").

Region Filter by region:
  • Domestic - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in the same country.
  • Intra - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in different countries that are members of the same trade bloc or economic union.
  • Inter - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in different countries that are NOT members of the same trade bloc or economic union.
Settlement Currency Filter by currency used for settlement.
Transaction Country Filter by country in which presentment occurred.
Transaction Currency Filter by currency used to process the transaction.
Transaction Status

Filter by transaction status (e.g. "Processed", "Cleared", "Reprocessed").

Transaction Type

Select from the following options:

  • Refund - You have performed a refund.
  • Cardholder Funds Transfer / Interchange Payment - Used to pay out funds to another bank account.
  • Purchase - Customer has made a purchase.

  Searchable records are available up until the previous calendar day. Attempting to search the current day will yield no results.

  A maximum of 1,000 records can be returned in a search. You can perform larger searches by using the options provided to perform an "Export" rather than an "On screen" search. This will export a file for download.



In the search results returned, each table entry represents a unique transaction. Each transaction is displayed with the following information:

Column name Description
Acquiring MID The Merchant Id (MID) of your TRU Acquiring account with us.
Posting Date (UTC) The date on which the transaction was posted to TRU Acquiring.
Transaction Type

This can be:

  • Purchase - Customer has made a purchase.
  • Refund - You have performed a refund.
  • Cardholder Funds Transfer - Used to pay out funds to another bank account.
Card Number The card number used to process the transaction (masked).

Transaction status. Possible values include:

  • Processed - The transaction has been loaded successfully into the clearing engine but has not yet been included in an outgoing clearing file.
  • Cleared - The transaction has been included in an outgoing clearing file to the card scheme (e.g. Mastercard or Visa).
  • Reprocessed - The transaction initially was assigned an error status (e.g. "Invalid client number") when first loaded into the clearing engine, but has since been corrected, or the transaction has been transferred to another account.

The status may also display an error status such as "Service not assigned". For further information, please contact our Support Team.

Transaction Currency The currency associated with the authorisation (in ISO3A format).
Transaction Amount The amount authorised for the transaction.
Settlement Currency The currency associated with the settlement of these funds (in ISO3A format).
Settlement Amount The amount to be settled.
Interchange Fee

The fee to be paid to the issuing bank to facilitate the transaction.

  If you are billed using a "blended" model, this field will be empty. Instead, these fees are combined into the Payment Transaction Fee column.

Card Scheme Assessment Fee

The fee to be paid to the card scheme for using their network.

  If you are billed using a "blended" model, this field will be empty. Instead, these fees are combined into the Payment Transaction Fee column.

Payment Transaction Fee

The fee charged by Trust Payments on the transaction.

  If you are billed using a "blended" model, this total will also encompass the Interchange and Card Scheme Assessment Fee values.

Transaction Net Amount The amount to be paid to your bank account, after all fees have been applied.
Capture Method This describes how the transaction was performed.
Gateway Transaction Reference Uniquely identifies the transaction on the TRU Connect gateway.
ARN The Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is the unique reference that can be provided to the customer's issuing bank to track the status of a refund
Auth Code The transaction authorisation code provided by the issuing bank on authorisation.
Descriptor The name on the account associated with the Merchant Id (MID).
Region The Region field indicates the geographic scope of transactions:
  • Domestic - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in the same country.
  • Intra - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in different countries that are members of the same trade bloc or economic union.
  • Inter - Transactions processed between customers and merchants residing in different countries that are NOT members of the same trade bloc or economic union.
Transaction Country The country in which presentment occurred.
Card Scheme The card scheme that the customer's card is associated with (e.g. "Visa", "MC").
Acquirer BIN / ICA The Bank Identification Number (BIN) or Interbank Card Association Number (ICA) associated with the acquirer.
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