Payment Pages mit Adobe Commerce

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Magento Commerce ist jetzt Adobe Commerce

Die Trust Payments Erweiterung wird auch in Zukunft sowohl Magento Open Source als auch Adobe Commerce Umgebungen zu unterstützen. In unserer Dokumentation beziehen wir uns auf diese Erweiterung ausschließlich mit dem Adobe Commerce Branding, aber alle Anweisungen gelten auch, wenn die Integration mit Magento Open Source.

Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über Adobe Commerce zu erfahren.


  Leider ist das hier dokumentierte Produkt derzeit nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.


  How to access

  1. Sign in to your Store Admin.
  2. On the Admin Sidebar, click the Trust Payments logo.
  3. Navigate to Stores > Configuration.
  4. On the next page, navigate to Sales > Payment Methods.
  5. On the next page, expand the "OTHER PAYMENT METHODS" section, then click the "Configure" button next to the Trust Payments extension.
  6. Expand the "Payment Pages" section.



Screenshot of Trust Payments extension settings


Expand the tabs displayed on the page to make changes to the Payment Pages settings.


Required Settings

Expand "Required Settings" to view the settings you can configure.


Enabled: Set to “Yes” to enable Payment Pages to be shown in checkout.

Test Environment: Use this setting to switch between test and live environments.

Site Reference: You must enter your unique Trust Payments site reference.

  When setting up the Adobe Commerce extension for the first time, it is strongly recommended that you specify your test site reference (e.g. “test_site12345”) in the "Site Reference" field. This allows you to process test payments to our test bank to ensure your implementation works as expected. When you are ready to go live, you will need to change this to be your live site reference (e.g. “site24680”).

Perform Back-Office Operations: We recommend that you enable Back-Office Operations to allow you to capture, cancel and refund transactions from within the Adobe Commerce Store Admin.

Web Services Username and Web Services Password: Enter your Webservices username and password in these fields. This is required to authenticate your requests with Trust Payments. If you do not have a Webservices user account, click here for instructions on how to register one.

JWT Username and JWT Secret Key: You will need a user account with the role “Webservices JWT” to create the token. If this user account has not already been provided, please request that one is created for your site reference by contacting our Support Team.

Site Security Password: Site security is a Trust Payments feature that protects payments from modification from unauthorised third parties. In the interest of security, this feature is required. Click here for further information.

  The contents of fields "Web Services Password", "JWT Secret Key" & "Site Security Password" are masked with * for security reasons.


Optional settings

Expand "Optional Settings" to view the settings you can configure.


Display Settings


Title: Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout.

Description: Enter the description of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout.

Use Iframe: Enabling this option will instruct the extension to render Payment Pages in an HTML iframe element. Using an iframe in combination with custom parent/child CSS allows for seamless integration, making the checkout appear as if it's part of the same page.

Iframe Height: The height of the iframe. Enter a number followed by "px" or "%".

Iframe Width: The width of the iframe. Enter a number followed by "px" or "%".


Payment Pages Version Settings


Version: The version number is used to change the type of styling used when rendering the Payment Pages.

If you are using custom CSS and JS, and would like to upgrade from Payment Pages version 1 to version 2, please follow this guide.

ST Profile: (Only applicable when version is set to 2) The ST Profile refers to a set of custom HTML files that will be loaded by the Payment Pages instead of the default HTML files used by Trust Payments. These HTML files must be uploaded to the Portal / MyST File Manager. Click here to learn more.

Skip Choice Page: Enabling this will let your customers select their payment type (e.g. Visa Credit) on your website rather than on the Payment Pages.


Tokenization Settings

Use Tokenization: Enabling this feature allows your customers to store their card for future use.


To enable this, please select “Yes”. When enabled, this will display a tick box on the selected payment method to give the customer the option to store their payment card for future purchases on your site reference.


Following a successful transaction when the customer opted to save their card for later, the saved card(s) should look like this on their next checkout:


“Save CC details?” Question: This is the store-view message that the customer will see if they choose to save their card.

For example, if you set this to "Please save my card", your checkout would show the following:



Other Settings


Application Countries: This payment method can be enabled for all countries or for a specified subset of countries.

Payment Action: Gives you the ability to allow Authorize Only payments or Authorize & Capture.
If Authorize Only is selected, processed payments will initially be shown as “Pending” in the Store Admin (and “Suspended" in Portal / MyST) until actioned.

  The transaction will be shown as suspended in Portal / MyST and will not be captured by your acquiring bank unless action is taken. Admin must manually create the invoice to capture. If action is not taken after 7 days, the transaction will be cancelled. Click here to learn more about Payment Action types.

Settle Status and Settle Due Date: If Authorize & Capture is the selected "Payment action", you will need to set a value for “Settle Status” and “Settle Due Date”. This means the invoice will be created following a successful transaction.

Subscription URL Notification: Enter the URL to which a URL notification will be sent from Trust Payments, containing information on the scheduled subscription. The URL will follow the format: siteURL/securetrading/subscription/notificationresponse (i.e:


Show Icon: When enabled, a payment extension logo will be displayed next to the Payment Pages (this logo is defined in the "Payment Pages Logo" setting described below).

Payment Pages Logo: Choose an image you wish to display next to the Payment Pages method on your checkout.

Sort Order: The ordering of the payment methods on your checkout. The value ‘1’ will cause the Payment Pages option to be displayed first.

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