Zahlungsaktionsarten für Adobe Commerce

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Magento Commerce ist jetzt Adobe Commerce

Die Trust Payments Erweiterung wird auch in Zukunft sowohl Magento Open Source als auch Adobe Commerce Umgebungen zu unterstützen. In unserer Dokumentation beziehen wir uns auf diese Erweiterung ausschließlich mit dem Adobe Commerce Branding, aber alle Anweisungen gelten auch, wenn die Integration mit Magento Open Source.

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  Leider ist das hier dokumentierte Produkt derzeit nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.


There are two payment action types that define the behaviour of how transactions are authorised and settled by Trust Payments:

  1. Authorize and Capture” – Trust Payments sends a request to the issuing bank for payment authorisation and the funds will be captured in a subsequent settlement run (normally within 24 hours).

    After a successful authorisation has been processed, an invoice will automatically be created. Following this, you can refund (create credit memo) the customer’s order if needed. If the funds have not yet been settled, the transaction will be cancelled, otherwise it will be refunded.


  2. Authorize only” – Trust Payments sends a request to the issuing bank for payment authorisation but the funds will not be captured without further action from the merchant.

    After a successful authorisation has been processed, you will need to click the “Invoice” button to create an invoice and send a request to capture the funds.


    Moreover, you can cancel/void the order in the Adobe Commerce interface if required, after which the associated transaction will also be cancelled on Trust Payment's system.

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