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The Transaction Menu is the home of several key terminal functions.

It's accessed by tapping "Supervisor" on the main screen.


Transaction menu item Description
Start Refund Perform a refund.
Click here to learn more.
Start Reversal Perform a reversal (this is used to void a pending transaction).
Click here to learn more.
Reprint merchant copy Reprint the merchant copy of the receipt from the most recent transaction.
Reprint cardholder copy Reprint the customer copy of the receipt from the most recent transaction.
Start End of Day End the shift and print a receipt showing transactions performed during the shift.
Click here to learn more.
Calculate totals Calculate running totals of transactions processed so far during the shift.
Click here to learn more.
About This Device This will display information about the device.

  Some of these menu items require the manager passcode to access. If you have forgotten this password, please contact our Support Team for assistance.

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