Zugangsgruppe bearbeiten

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By editing access groups, you can quickly change the references accessible to all assigned users.

  Required user roles


  How to access

Select “Settings" and then “Access Groups” from the left navigation bar. Then from the Actions column for the access group you would like to edit, click  and then "Edit". This will open the "Edit Access Group" page.



The following information is displayed and can be modified:

Name of field Description
Name Name of the access group.
Description Short description of the access group.
Site References

Changing the site references here updates all users the access group has been assigned to.

This also affects their access to Trust Payments Merchant Id(s) (MID) as users can only access MIDs associated with allocated site references.


This is a list of all users that the access group has been assigned to. (This is blank if it has not been assigned to users yet)

Type here to search for usernames to apply.

You can also remove usernames to revoke their access to the references provided to them via the access group. Following removal, the user would temporarily have access to no sites. To resolve this, you can edit a user to assign new references or another access group.

When you have finished making changes, click "Save Changes".

Otherwise, click "Cancel" to return to the "Access Groups" page.

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