Verwaltung von Zugangsgruppen

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You can use the “Access Groups” page to view and manage your access groups.

  Required user roles


  How to access

Select “Settings" and then "Access Groups” from the left navigation bar.


This page contains a list of all access groups you have permission to view. The following details are visible for each access group:

Column name Description
Name Name of the access group.
Description Short description of the access group.
References Click "View" to view a list of references assigned to the access group.
Users Click "View" to view a list of users who have been assigned the access group (and therefore have access to all references within the access group).
Created By The username of the user that created the access group.
Created Date (GMT) The date/time the access group was created.
Last Modified By The username of the user that last modified the access group.
Modified Date (GMT) The date/time the access group was last modified.

You can sort the table by different columns by clicking the column headings.


Find in results

At the top of the page, we provide a search utility to help you find access groups. Type in the name of an access group and the table will be filtered as you type.



The right-most column contains a series of frequently-performed actions that have been made available for quick access for each access group. These are as follows:

  • Edit – Click to edit the access group. You can edit the name, description, and any assigned references and users.
  • Delete – Click to delete the access group. You will be prompted for confirmation before deletion occurs.


About access group deletion

Deleting an access group will not delete any associated references or users. But any users that were assigned to the deleted access group will have their access to associated references revoked.

e.g. If user A used an access group to access references B and C, deleting the access group will remove that access (but not delete user A or references B and C).

  Deleted access groups cannot be recovered.

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