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This section is intended to help you as an exchange benchmark your performance against other merchants processing with Trust Payments within the 6051 Merchant Category Code (MCC).

  We go to great lengths to ensure the information displayed here cannot be used to expose the performance or trading history of any of our merchants.


Market position


This first view shows a series of key performance indicators – such as the value and volume of transactions, average transaction value (ATV), fraud, etc. – measured against other exchanges within a user-defined time period.

Your position compared to the rest of the crypto market is shown as a decile. For example, in the example shown above, this exchange is in the top 10-20% for processed volume and the bottom 10-20% for fraud rate. The exact position is not disclosed.

  If your company trends towards having a stronger position in the market compared to your competitors, this is reflected in the charts by higher percentage values.

The following metrics are shown on this chart:

  • TXN amt - Transaction amount in GBP.
    Share of merchants with lower transaction volume is shown.

  • TXN # - Number of transactions.
    Share of merchants with lower transaction count is shown.

  • ATV - Transaction amount in GBP divided by transaction count.
    Share of merchants with lower ATV is shown.

  • Avg Fraud - Fraud transaction amount in GBP divided by fraud count.
    Share of merchants with higher average fraud is shown.

  • Fraud rate # - Fraud transaction count divided by overall transaction count.
    Share of merchants with a higher fraud rate is shown.


Monthly vs top exchanges


This view shows your performance over the duration of your time processing with us, compared to competing exchanges on our platform. You can use the slider to expand the pool of merchants that are used to make this comparison, from a minimum of the top 3 merchants up to the top 12.

Example: If you select the top 5 number of exchanges, they are ranked by the metric shown using data from the last 6 months.

(a) CryptoMetrix obtains your monthly percentage change for transaction volume. Let's assume it's +15% for a given month.

(b) Then it obtains the monthly percentage change for the top exchanges' transaction volume sum. Let's assume for the same month the growth was +10%.

(c) Finally, it calculates the percentage change from (a) minus the next exchange's percentage change from (b). So when considering the numbers given above, this outputs +5 percentage points improvement.


Relative Fraud share


The relative fraud volume share is the fraud volume divided by the transaction volume.

The top exchanges included in the comparison are determined using the last 6 months of data. The ranking logic is not disclosed in full to prevent merchants from being identified. Between 2 and 6 top exchanges enter the comparison pool and are identified by a certain metric, like authorisation or transaction amount or volume.

  In certain edge cases, the fraud volume stemming from activity in this period or previous periods can be higher than the transaction volume in this period. For this reason, the metric values are limited to 100%.


Relative chargeback share

The relative share of transaction count that incurred chargebacks, divided by the total number of transactions processed.

The top exchanges included in the comparison are determined using the last 6 months of data. The ranking logic is not disclosed in full to prevent merchants from being identified. Between 2 and 6 top exchanges enter the comparison pool and are identified by a certain metric, like authorisation or transaction amount or volume.

  In certain edge cases, the chargeback volume stemming from activity in this period or previous periods can be higher than the transaction volume in this period. For this reason, the metric values are limited to 100%.


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