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  This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Connect gateway.

The File Manager allows you to upload files to your site references. These are used to customise the appearance of your Payment Pages or notification emails sent by Portal to your company or customers.

  Required user roles

Admin, Developer

  How to access

Files are configured separately for each site reference you have access to.
Select your site from the “Sites” page and click the “File Manager” icon.


The File Manager

The File Manager page allows you to upload files to your site reference(s). We use these files to customise the appearance and behaviour of your Payment Pages and/or emails we send on your behalf.

Using this page, you can view any files that have already been uploaded to your site reference(s), upload more files and delete existing ones:


  You can upload a maximum of 1000 files per site reference. All files together must not exceed a total size of 5MB.


Selecting a site reference

Files are assigned to one of your site references. To change the site reference you are working with, select it at the top of the page and click "Change site".



Uploading a file

Drag and drop the files into the upload panel, or alternatively, click this area to select the files for upload manually. Uploading starts immediately.


  File requirements

  • Only the following file extensions may be uploaded:
    css, email, eot, gif, html, jpeg, jpg, js, png, svg, ttf, woff, woff2
  • Filenames must only contain upper/lowercase characters, numbers, hyphen and underscore characters.
  • Filenames must not contain spaces or other punctuation.
  • File extensions must be in all lowercase (".png" rather than ".PNG").
  • When uploading text files (e.g. css, js), these must be encoded in UTF-8 or ASCII.
  • The maximum size of a file is 1024kb.
  • Files cannot be empty.

As each file is uploaded, a green tick appears to each file to indicate the upload was successful:


If there has been a problem with uploading any of your files, a red cross appears. Hover your cursor over the file for the reason why the upload failed.


The list of files already uploaded will be displayed on the lower part of the page under the “Files for <your site name>” tab:


  It may take a few minutes for a file to be uploaded or deleted. Therefore your changes may not appear under the files tab immediately.

  There is no duplicate check for filenames. Uploaded files will override existing ones with the same name.


Using a company logo in customer email notifications (including Pay by Link)

In order to use a company logo in customer email notifications (including Pay by Link), upload an image file via the File Manager. When uploading the image, it must have the filename of “emaillogo” (e.g. emaillogo.png).

The suported file types for a company logo are:

  • gif
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • png
  • svg


Deleting and Downloading

Files can be deleted or downloaded from the file list. Once you have selected a sitereference, uploaded files will appear on the lower part of the page.

To select a file, tick the checkbox next to the filename.

You can select/deselect all files by clicking the checkbox in the header row (top-left of the table).



Deleting Files

Once you have completed your selection, click the “Delete” button.

  It may take a few minutes for a file to be deleted. Therefore your changes may not appear immediately under the files tab.


Downloading Files

Once you have completed your selection, click the “Download” button.

The file(s) are downloaded in a zip file. You can edit the files and re-upload them with any changes you make.

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