Leitfaden Navigation

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Home page

When you sign in to Portal, you will be shown your home page. This page summarises the key features available on your account. Simply click an option from the features listed to go to the relevant page.

You can always return to your home page by clicking the Trust Payments logo in the top left.


To the left of every page, you will see the side-bar. This is your main method of navigating through Portal.

If you prefer to collapse the side-bar when it is not in use to reclaim screen real-estate, click the    icon. To view the menu again, hover over the side-bar and it will slide back into view.

Quick links

Our quick links can be found in the upper-right of any page on Portal and give you immediate access to key features.

You can view the status of any reports being downloaded in the background by clicking the "Downloads" link. Click here to learn more.

Click your username to access the user menu. From here, you can find a link to view details regarding your user profile or sign out.

Global search

At the top of every page, you have immediate access to our search utility. Type in your query and press return to process the search.

When you process a search, Portal will simultaneously search for transactions and site references that match the search query. Click here for further information.

  Different users are assigned different roles, and as such, may or may not have permission to search and view all of the entities listed above. You can view your user role by clicking your username in the top-right of the page and then "Profile".

Click here to learn more about the different user roles.

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