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The Customer Overview delivers key insights into the behaviour of your buyers using payment data from your transactions.

  Unique “buyers” and “customers” are determined by the unique credit/debit card number used for card transactions.

This page shows customer numbers and trends for the full prior month and the current year to date up to and including the full prior month. Each metric has the variance versus the same month in the prior year, and the same year to date position in the prior year.


If the dashboard were being viewed in early April 2022, then the month view would show the full month of March 2022 vs the full month of March 2021. The YTD date view would show January – March inclusive for 2022, and the “vs last year” would be versus January – March inclusive for 2021.


Total Unique Buyers

The "Total Unique Buyers" tile shows the total number of unique buyers for the reporting month, as determined by the credit/debit cards used to complete their orders. This provides you with a better understanding of how many new customers were attracted to your site and made a purchase. The top figure is the raw number of new customers for the given month, and the "Vs Last Month" part shows growth as a percentage when compared to the previous month.


Buyer Churn (2nd tile)

The "Buyer Churn" tile displays the monthly churn of your buyers.

  Churn (sometimes referred to as attrition) is a metric that measures the amount of customers/sales that a business has lost over a period of time.

This tile is divided into two metrics:

  • "New" unique buyers are cardholders who have not made a purchase on your site in the past 13 months but have now done so in the reporting month. The underneath "Vs Last Month" part shows growth of new customers as a percentage when compared to the previous month.
  • “Lapsed” unique buyers are cardholders who have made a purchase at least once in the past 13 months, but have not done so in the reporting month. The underneath "Vs Last Month" part shows growth of lapsed customers as a percentage when compared to the previous month.


Spend per Unique Buyer

The "Spend per Unique Buyer" tile tells you the Average Transaction Value (ATV) for the current reporting month. ATV is calculated by taking the total amount value (in Pound Sterling GBP) generated by all cardholders and divide that by the total number of cardholders.

“Spend per Unique Buyer” = (Total amount spent by cardholders in current month / Total number of cardholders).

This calculation is then applied to both "New" and "Established" customers:

  • "New" customers are cardholders who have not made a purchase on your site in the past 13 months but have now done so in the reporting month.
  • “Established” customers are cardholders who have made a purchase on your site in the past 13 months and have done so again in the reporting month.

The "Vs Last Month" part shows growth of the ATV for both new and established customers as a percentage when compared to the previous month.


Buyer Churn (stacked bar graph)

The stacked bar graph on the top right side of the display is a visual representation of your unique customers and their purchases over the last 13 months. Each month is represented as a bar that has been divided into three colours:

  • Grey (the top-most segment) - This represents "New" customers, the number of unique buyers who have not made a purchase on your site in the past 13 months but have now done so in the reporting month.
  • Green (the middle segment) - This represents "Established" customers, the number of unique buyers who have made a purchase on your site in the past 13 months and have done so again in the reporting month.
  • Red (the lowest segment) - This represents "Lapsed" customers, the number of unique buyers who have made a purchase at least once in the past 13 months, but have not done so in the reporting month.


Buyer Segments and Buyer Sales

The lower section of the dashboard divides your unique buyers into segments based on their spending habits on your site. This enables you to better tailor your offerings to be more appealing to different kinds of customers, e.g. reward loyal customers, entice back formerly frequent customers, draw in new customers, etc.

The "Buyer Segments" tile in the lower-left depicts how many customers have been assigned to a certain segment, as well as how much volume (i.e. amount in Pound Sterling GBP) each segment represents for the reporting month. This is based on what is known as “RFM” analysis (Recency, Frequency and Monetary). Each unique card number is assigned an RFM value based on:

  1. Recency – Time between current month end and last transaction (in days).
  2. Frequency – Total number of transactions in the last 13 months.
  3. Monetary – Total spend in the last 13 months.

Subsequently, each card number is then scored based on their stack ranking within the RFM categories, and are assigned one of the following segments:

  1. “Champions” – These are your best customers who purchase frequently and spend a lot of money. It is ideal to reward these loyal consumers. They might be early adopters of your new items and promote your brand or company.
  2. “Core” – These are recent customer who visit on a regular basis and spent a significant amount of money on your site. To upsell them and help them become Champions, provide memberships, loyalty programs or suggest other items they might wish to purchase.
  3. “High Potential” – These are your customers who have a high RFM score but do not purchase frequently. To increase their visits, start creating relationships with these customers by providing onboarding assistance and unique incentives.
  4. “Winback” – These are customers who used to purchase frequently but haven't done so recently. Bring them back with relevant promotions and surveys to determine what went wrong and prevent them from going to a competitor.
  5. “Lost” – These are customers who have not made recent purchases, are infrequent shoppers and/or do not spend a lot of money on your site.


The "Buyer Sales" tile builds on this further, by showing the proportion each of the segments described above represents out of your total sales for the reported month:

  • "Number of Customers" – The first stacked bar graph shows this in terms of unique buyers (e.g. in example above, Champions made up 31% of your unique buyers for the reported month).
  • "Sales Contribution" – The second stacked bar graph shows this in terms of total transaction value (e.g. in example above, Champions made up 65% of your total transaction value for the reported month).
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