Verwaltung der Bedingungen

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  This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Connect gateway.

This page explains how to manage Conditions that form part of a Rule configured in the Rule Manager.


Remember: A Condition defines the circumstances under which an Action will be performed.

  Required user roles

Admin, Developer

  Conditions and Actions can only be managed by the users that created them.

  How to access

Select your site from the “Sites” page and click the “Rule Manager” icon.
Then select the relevant Action type from the drop-down box and click “Go”.


View Conditions

Conditions created on your Portal user account can be managed by clicking the “Manage conditions” tab above the table.


This tab will list any Conditions configured by your Portal account (if you have no Conditions configured, it will prompt you to create your first).

  You can only view and manage Conditions that you have created. Conditions created by other Portal users are not displayed.



Viewing further details


Conditions are listed in a table with   icons to the left of each one. Clicking the   icon will cause the Condition to expand in order to display its properties. When finished, you can click the   icon to collapse the Condition, hiding the properties from view.

Clicking the   icon in the header row expands all Conditions at once. Subsequently clicking the   icon in the header row will collapse all Conditions at once, returning the table to its original state.



Modifying Conditions

To modify the properties of a Condition, click the Condition name in the table. You will be presented with a page that allows you to modify the Condition.


  You can only modify Conditions your Portal user account has created.

  When modifying a Condition, ensure that you specify at least one Request type and Error code. Failure to do so may cause unexpected issues.



Deleting Conditions

Using the checkboxes to the right of each Condition, you can select Conditions for deletion.


When you have selected the Conditions you would like to delete, press the “Delete” button. You will be shown a confirmation prompt before deleting a Condition(s). You can only delete Conditions that are not part of an existing Rule.



"IN USE" Conditions

Conditions that are part of an existing Rule are highlighted with the words “IN USE” in the “Delete” column. In order to delete these Conditions, you must first delete the Rules that are using the Conditions in question.



When modifying a Condition that is being used by an active Rule, a yellow warning is shown at the top of the page. This lists the number of Rules that will be affected by the changes made, and their associated Trust Payments sitereference(s).


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