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The “Chargebacks” page allows you to search for and view chargebacks that have been incurred against processed transactions.

  A chargeback is when a customer disputes a credit card or debit card purchase and requests their bank or credit card company reverse the charge.

  Learn more about Chargebacks

  Required user roles


  How to access

Select “Chargebacks” from the side-bar.


To perform a search for chargebacks, you will need to fill out the form presented on the "Chargebacks" page:

  • Site Reference / MID – Select "MID" and specify the Merchant ID(s) (MID) over which the search will be performed.
  • Stored Searches – Quickly restore the search criteria of a previously-saved search.
  • Date Type – Select the type of date that the date range will include in the search.
  • Date – Specify the time period for the search to be performed.
  • View Result - Select "On screen" to display the search results in the browser. Alternatively, select "Export" to download a local copy of the search results in CSV or XLSX file format.

    A maximum of 1,000 search results can be returned when viewing results on screen.
    A maximum of 100,000 search results can be downloaded when selecting the export option.


Advanced search criteria

Click the "Advanced" button to open an overlay that allows you to specify additional search criteria.




Filters are an advanced tool that can be used to narrow the search results further if needed. Only chargebacks meeting the selected criteria will be displayed in the results.

From the left of the overlay, click "Filters" to expand this section. From the options now visible, you can expand sub-headings and select different filters to apply. Sub-headings that contain applied filters are highlighted with a green number icon to represent the number of filters applied.




You can customise the columns shown in the search results table. Only the fields ticked under the “Fields” section are included in the search results.

From the left of the overlay, click "Fields" to expand this section. From the options now visible, you can select different fields to be shown in the search results. Sub-headings that contain selected fields are highlighted with a green number icon to represent the number of fields that will be shown in the search output.

e.g. In the example below, Chargeback fees is shown with "9" to indicate that 9 fields from that sub-heading will be shown as columns in the search output. Deselecting “Reversal” and “ARN” would remove these columns from the search results (decrementing the number shown to "7").



Click "Apply" when done to close the overlay. (Click "Cancel" to discard your changes)

  When filters have been selected, the "Show Selected" button will be displayed. Click this to view a list of applied filters.


When ready to perform a search, click "Search".




Search results

The chargebacks that match the specified criteria are shown in the table.


Export search results

After performing the search, you can click the "Actions" button above the table and then "Export" from the menu to download a record of the search results. Downloaded files can be used to import the data into your own system or open in your spreadsheet software of choice.

When exporting search results, you are prompted to specify the format of the file to be downloaded from the following options:

  • CSV file - Download a CSV file delimited by either comma (,), semi-colon (;) or pipe (|).
  • XLSX file.

  Files are downloaded in the background, so you can continue to use Portal while you wait.
Click here to learn more about managing downloads.


Amending your search criteria

You can amend your search criteria by using the form displayed at the top of the page and clicking "Search" again.

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