Testen Sie Ihre BigCommerce Lösung

  Zuletzt aktualisiert: 

  Leider ist das hier dokumentierte Produkt derzeit nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.

We strongly recommend that you test your solution before going Live.

  Before you continue

Go to the app Settings page and check the "Site reference" field contains your test site reference (prefixed with "test_", e.g. "test_site12345") and "Switch to Live Mode" is disabled.

Click here to learn more about the Settings page.


Successful payment

To test a successful payment and placing an order, follow the steps below:


Navigate to your storefront, add a test product to your shopping cart and go to the checkout.

Begin by filling out the forms displayed to you.

If your billing address differs from the delivery address, untick the "My billing address is the same as my shipping address." box and click the “CONTINUE” button. You will now be presented with a form allowing you to enter the billing address.

  The selection of APMs presented on the checkout is dependent on the billing country and currency specified. If you do not see the APM you need to test, please refer to our documentation to check the supported country and currency have been specified.

Once you have filled in address fields, you will be presented with the card payment form, with supported APMs displayed underneath.

To process a card transaction, fill in the fields displayed using test card details from our Testing centre.

After you have filled in test card details and clicked "PAY", a test transaction will be processed through the Trust Payments gateway, TRU Connect, and you will be redirected to a confirmation page. A confirmation email will also be sent to the email address entered during checkout.

  For APMs, your browser will be redirected to a sandbox hosted by the relevant APM. Follow the instructions presented on screen to complete the transaction, following which your browser will be redirected back to the confirmation page.


Declined payment

If a card transaction has been declined by the issuing bank, a red "Decline" banner will be shown and your browser will remain on the checkout page, allowing your customer to retry with a different payment method.

For declined transactions processed with an APM, the customer will be returned to the checkout page from the external APM sandbox to allow them to retry with a different payment method.

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