Einführung in die Dashboard

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  This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Connect gateway.

For users with access to transaction history, your “Dashboard” will provide at-a-glance statistics regarding the recent performance of your site reference(s).

  Required user roles

Admin, Developer, TransactionUser, ViewFeesAndStatements, ViewTransactionsOnly

  How to access

This page is shown on sign in. You can get back to this page at any time by clicking “Dashboard” on the side-bar.


Changing dashboard output

The “Dashboard” provides at-a-glance statistics regarding the recent performance of your site references. There are a number of views you can choose from, all of which use different methods to present this information. To change the view displayed, use the drop-down provided in the upper-right of the dashboard. Follow the links provided below to learn more about the different views:

% shift   Auths Last 24 hours   Auths Last 7 days   Top sites   Chargeback summary

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