Kopieren einer Zahlung

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Copying a payment is a quick way to re-process a previous payment for the same amount, from the same account to the same recipient. When processing a duplicate payment in this way, you will be presented with options to make amendments to these criteria if needed before proceeding.

  1. To copy a previously-processed payment, sign in to your Trust Payments MPA Portal and click "Payments" from the navigation on the left.

  2. Locate the payment to be copied and click the   icon. From the drop-down menu shown, click "Duplicate".


  3. Then fill out the form presented on screen. Ensure the Pay fromAmount and Payment scheme fields have been filled out with the correct values, enter a Description and select a Payment date. To learn more about these fields, click the drop-downs below to expand.

    Payment currencies and exchange rates

    The Trust Payments MPA Portal currently allows you to make payments to in GBP and EUR only. Payments between GBP and EUR are not currently possible (including Internal Transfers).

    Payment scheme

    If more than one payment scheme is available, you will be asked to choose a payment scheme. We support the following payment schemes:

    • UK Faster Payments - Within the UK, this is the default payment method for sterling payments. Faster Payments are available for bank-to-bank transfers within the UK, and in most cases, Faster Payments transfers are processed in a matter of seconds. UK Faster Payments is used for payments up to £1M.

    • UK CHAPS - CHAPS is a same-day sterling system used to settle time-critical payments – like buying a property or paying a deposit. Payments exceeding £1M will be processed via CHAPS.

    • SEPA Instant - This is the default payment for euro payments. SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) Instant is Europe’s answer to Instant Bank Transfers and allows businesses and individuals to transfer money in seconds, 24 hours a day. Used for payments below €100K.

    • SEPA - SEPA transfers usually take 1-2 business days. SEPA instant and SEPA payments are available to member countries of the European Union, three countries of the European Economic area, and six non-EEA countries, to which the geographical scope has been extended. The UK remains a member of the SEPA scheme. This will be used for payments over €100K.

    • Internal Transfers - Any domestic payments made between users with Modulr accounts are automatically processed internally and instantly across Modulr’s ledgers when the system detects that the to and from accounts are both with Modulr. Trust Payment’s Merchant Payment Accounts are powered by Modulr.
    Payment date
    • Immediate payment - Instructions are sent to Modulr for immediate payment. Depending on the amount and currency, it could complete almost instantly or take several hours (see Payment Schemes).

    • Scheduled payment - End-users can schedule payments for a future date. Scheduled payments are sent at the same time that the first payment was made on the scheduled day. For scheduled payments, end-users are asked for the payment date.

    • Recurring payment - End-users can choose from a range of recurring payment types or create a custom type by defining the number of occurrences or the period of time over which this should continue.

      For recurring payments, end-users are asked to select the:
      • Payment frequency - Available options: the last business day of the month, weekly, every other week, monthly, and custom. For custom frequency, the user can select a repeated pattern in days, months, or years;
      • First transfer date;
      • Until when to repeat the transfer - Available options: until cancelled, number of times, and on a set end date.

      You can edit or cancel Scheduled and Recurring payments by navigating to the Scheduled Payments section on the Payments Screen. You'll find more information in the Cancel a Scheduled or Recurring Payment article.

      You can use the scheduled or recurring payment types for international payments, but the rate is based on the live rate at the time of payment. You will receive a warning message regarding the risk of future exchange rate changes.

    When you are ready to continue, click "Confirm".

  4. You are then presented with a confirmation screen before being asked to confirm the payment. On this page, you can also send a notification of the payment to an email recipient.

  5. After confirming the payment, you will be requested to enter your 4-digit security code. Once completed, the payment can no longer be recalled.

  If you have forgotten your security code, you can reset it from the "User settings" page.
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