Konfigurieren Sie das PrestaShop Addon

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Sign in to the Control Panel of your PrestaShop Store.

On the navigation menu on the left, within the "IMPROVE" section, click Module > Module Manager.


At the bottom, under "Payment", you should see the Trust Payments module installed. Click “Configure” to view the Trust Payments "Configure" page.


On the "Configure" page, you will be displayed settings that can be changed on the module and these are grouped into tabs for your convenience, as described below:


General settings


Test Environment: This toggle allows you to switch the app between live and test configurations. When enabled, the app is configured to operate in test mode.

Choose Payment Flow: Choose between utilising our Hosted Payment Pages or JavaScript Library.

Site Reference: You must enter your unique site reference in the “Site Reference” field.

Payment Text: Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout to customers.

Endpoint: If you are based in Europe, select “Europe Gateway”. If you are based in the United States, select “US Gateway”.

Payment Action:

Choose between the following two options:

  1. Authorize and Capture


    • Status For Completed Payment: Choose the status of the order when the payment has been completed by the customer.
    • Status For Payment Needs Attention: If a payment has been suspended, choose the status of the payment on the order screen.



  2. Authorize Only


    • Status For Capture When Using Authorize Only: Choose the status of the order when the payment has been completed by the customer.
    • Status For Completed Payment: Choose the status to use when updating the status on the order screen. This will update the transaction to be captured.

Payment Option Image: Enable this toggle to display the Trust Payments logo and (if enabled) PayPal logo next to the payment method on your checkout.

Perform Back-Office Operations: Enabling this option will allow the PrestaShop module to directly interact with the Trust Payments API. This allows you to update orders and perform refunds from within the PrestaShop admin interface.


Payment Pages settings


Enable Site Security & Site Security Password: 

To protect your payments from unauthorised modification, you will need to enable site security using the toggle provided, and enter the password you have agreed with our Support Team.

Enable Iframe: Enabling this option will instruct the module to render Payment Pages in an HTML iframe element. Using an iframe in combination with custom parent/child CSS allows for seamless integration, making the checkout appear as if it's part of the same page.

Payment Profile: (Only applicable when version is set to 2) The ST Profile refers to a set of custom HTML files that will be loaded by the Payment Pages instead of the default HTML files used by Trust Payments. These HTML files must be uploaded to the MyST File Manager. Click here to learn more.

  If you have not configured your Payment Pages to use a custom profile in this way, you must leave this field with value "default".


JavaScript Library settings

  This tab will only be present if the JavaScript Library is toggled.


JWT Username & JWT Secret Key: You need a user account with the role “Webservices JWT” for the app to create the token needed to process a payment. If this user account has not already been provided, please request that one is created for your site reference(s) by contacting our Support Team.

Pay Button Color: Choose the colour of the "Pay" button on checkout.

Enable PayPal: To enable PayPal payment method on checkout. Contact our Support Team to setup PayPal on your site reference.

PayPal Text: Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout.

Enable Google Pay: To enable Google Pay payment method on checkout. Contact our Support Team to setup Google Pay on your site reference.

Enable Apple Pay: To enable Apple Pay payment method on checkout. Contact our Support Team to setup Apple Pay on your site reference.


Webservice API settings


Enter Webservices Username & Enter Webservices Password: Enter your Webservices username and password in these fields. This is required to authenticate your requests with Trust Payments. If you do not have a Webservices user account, click here for instructions on how to register one.


Tokenization settings

Tokenization allows returning customers to process payments through your PrestaShop store without needing to re-enter their card details.


Notification settings


  This section applies for those using Payment Pages or JavaScript Library solutions.

If configured correctly, the rule should look like the following when viewed in the MyST Rule manager:


Enter Notification Password: You must use the same value as entered when configuring the notification in the MyST Rule Manager. This password is to prevent your notifications from being modified by unauthorised users.

Notification Url: You must use the same value as entered when configuring the notification in the MyST Rule Manager. The URL must resolve to an endpoint hosted on your server, to which notifications can be sent.

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